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The variety of natural environments (dunes, sandy beaches, hygrophilous forests, stretches of Mediterranean vegetation, cultivated areas) and the presence of water (blades, ditches, canals, swampy areas, lakes, rivers, ponds) are the determining and characterizing elements of the San Rossore Park. This variety in turn determines the richness and diversity of animal and plant species.
Numerous species of birds, including several sedentary species, of step and nesting (red heron, mallard, marsh hawk), as well as a strong presence of fallow deer and wild boar and other smaller mammals such as foxes, porcupines, dormice, badgers and squirrels.
The flora of the park includes some rarities such as the drosera (a small carnivorous plant), the Greek periploca (a rare liana), the marsh orchid, the pink hibiscus and the florid fern. The vegetation of the dunes and coastal belt is characterized by very rustic pioneer plants but sometimes also very beautiful as the cornflower of the sands and, in the innermost sandy areas, the tufts of the reed of Ravenna.
San Rossore, a horse raceAt the activities linked to the territory, in addition to the cultivation of agri-food products and the collection of pine nuts, next to the cattle and goat herds, remarkable and long tradition is the horse racing activity that binds breeding to the activities sports, with the presence of the San Rossore Racetrack, also called Prato degli Escoli, very popular in the racing season.
Three are held within the territory of the park that falls in the province of Pisa: the Tenuta di San Rossore, located in the middle of the park, and the Tenute di Tombolo and Coltano further south.
Park Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli