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Palazzolo Acreide is an Italian town of 9,086 inhabitants in the province of Syracuse in Sicily.
Palazzolo Acreide Geography
Palazzolo Acreide is 44 kilometers from Syracuse; 39 kilometers from Ragusa, and 91 kilometers from Catania. It is located in the western part of the province, on the slopes of the Iblei mountains.
Monuments Palazzolo Acreide
The churches of San Paolo and San Sebastiano have been declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
* Basilica of San Paolo
* Church of San Sebastiano
* Church of Santa Maria della Medaglia
* Mother Church of St. Nicholas
* Church of Madonna Annunziata
* Chiesa Sant'Antonio
* Church of the Sacred Stimmate of San Francesco
* Church of Santa Maria Maddalena
* Church of the Immaculate. It has a Madonna with Child by Francesco Laurana, dating back to the fifteenth century.
* Church of San Michele
* Palazzo Judica. It is from 1700, it conserved a collection of acrid antiquities, now divided between Lentini and Syracuse. There is the project of the constituting Museo Acrense.
* Casa-museo of Antonino Uccello. Contains an interesting collection of Sicilian ethnographic material. It was opened by the founder in 1971. At his death in 1983 he was bought by the Sicilian Region. In a sentence by Antonino Uccello, the meaning of a life dedicated to the memory of one's own earth is contained: An ethnographic museum will be able to contribute to safeguard at least part of the study material, to educate and sensitize public opinion, not to mention obvious advantages that should be obtained on the scientific, cultural and tourist level.
* Museum of Travelers in Sicily
* Medieval castle
* Catacombs of Saint Lucia
* Senebardo Cave
* Carved Intagliatella
* Town Hall
* Greek theatre
* Santoni